Each quarter Dr. Theresia Liem visits the far flung villages in The Project to monitor activities and ensure that proper protocol is used for treating PALS. On her last trip she spent a week in November/ December 2012 visiting 4 villages Luding, Ganluo, Xide, and Puge.
During the trip Dr. Liem and the staff also conducted a survey of the families in Xide with malnourished children. On Dr. Liem’s last visit she noted that malnutrition among the children a significant problem there. The Project is initiating a program to work with the villagers to help them provide better nutrition for their children and nutrition education for the parents.
During the trip Dr. Liem and the staff also conducted a survey of the families in Xide with malnourished children. On Dr. Liem’s last visit she noted that malnutrition among the children a significant problem there. The Project is initiating a program to work with the villagers to help them provide better nutrition for their children and nutrition education for the parents.