The old water pipes were old and damaged, most of the water leaked out of the old pipes on the way from the source to the home; that greatly affect the daily life persons affected by and villagers in the home and the community. Villagers then applied for the implementation of water project from The Leprosy Project in early 2019. Staff conducted preliminary survey in early July, 2019 in the village and confirmed the feasibility of connecting water pipes to the home. A general meeting of villagers of the home and the community. The proposal of the water project was approved by all villagers, agreement of volunteer labour input was also signed at the meeting. Villagers began to work on the preliminary preparation such as clearing up obstacles and digging channels for main water pipes from the source to the home. Two concrete platform for sectional water tanks as completed in August. Villagers completed the installation of two 6m * 5m * 2m (60m³) GRP sectional tanks were installed in early November 2019 with technical support of the villagers from Yanyuan, where they had completed water project earlier in 2019. The connection of water pipes was completed before the Chinese New Year of 2020. The project benefited 81 villagers and persons affected by leprosy from 43 households. There shall be a detailed report on the project when regular visit to the home is allowed in Mid-May 2020. As the home was locked down due to COVID-19 pandemic. The completion of the entire project was approved in Mid-May 2020.
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Ceremony of the completion of water project for Cluster 10-11 of Ta-er-ti village in Yanyuan4/28/2020 The main theme of the ceremony was “Building a happy home through participation of the community”. It was held at Ta-er-ti village on 25th November, 2019 with the participation of the Deputy Secretary of Yanyuan County, Secretary of Yousuo Township, officials of the Forestry and Agricultural Department of the County and other Government officials. Director Mr. John Bowden, in charge of the water project and director of fund raising Mr. Nicholas Pirie also participated in the ceremony. A Festive Atmosphere The ceremony was hosted and planned by the university students and the village management team with the support of The Leprosy Project Limited. Government officials, Directors of TLP and representatives from the village gave speech at the ceremony, then followed by a variety show with the support of volunteer performance team from Xichang, students from the village and the villagers. Helping People Help Themselves The Leprosy Project commenced project implementation in cluster 10 and 11 of Ta-er-ti village since 2017. Through the preliminary survey, the Project found out that POD (Prevention of Disabilities and healthcare works to persons affected by leprosy), water, agriculture and education had been the most wanted from the community. Through the services and support from the Project during the past three years, we could see a tremendous change in the village. We could see the ulcers of the persons affected by leprosy got cured or improved, old people were able to visit the cities and let them feel the care from the public, and regain their confidence. The most tangible change of all was the improvement of agricultural system through the completion of water project. Villagers resurrected the paddy fields which was abandoned for years due to shortage of water. Every family has their own vegetable gardens to grow a big variety of vegetables for self-consumption. Economic crops were also planned to be planted. The Source of Life, The Source of Wealth -- The Water Project The implementation of the water project began in the summer 2018, the started clearing up the obstacles all the way from the water source, which is more than 10km away from the village, and digging up ditches for the main water pipes in June and July as the first phase of the project. Villagers then built 6 GRP sectional water tanks, two 60m³, two 24m³ and two 12m³ tanks, as buffer and storage for the dry season. Through the hard work by the villagers the main construction of the water project was completed in 9 months, they got the first flow of water in Mid-March 2019, and the first 3 mu of paddy fields were resurrected right after the connection of water. Economic crops such as Sichuan green pepper corns, citrus trees, walnut trees were planted in the village, and the latest crops added to the list was Konjac, the villagers shall try to expand their arable lands for a bigger variety of economic crops to improve their livelihood. The entire project used 10338m of 140mm PE pipes as main pipes from the source to the main tanks in the village, and 3138m 110m, 12400m of 25mm -63mm PE pipes as divisional pipes, 8000m of pipes for the drip system for the vegetable gardens. The project supported RMB712,644.80 for the entire water project in Yanyuan. Some Immediate Results from the Water Project
These were part of the immediate results collected at the end of 2019.
![]() Click heThere had been a severe drought in Huidong this year, younger villagers needed to walked more than 4km carry water from the water source for the PALs and villagers. That brought lots of inconvenience to everyone in the home. All the plantation of crops was delayed due to the drought. Project staff conducted a detailed survey for the feasibility of water project for the home and had a general meeting with all PALs and villagers regarding the water project. Agreement of implementing water project and agreement of labour input for the water project were duly signed after the meeting. Location for the water tanks and size of the water pipes allowed by the government was also confirmed. The board of The Leprosy Project received and approved the plan and budget for the water project which shall be implemented after the rain season, by end of October this year. The project shall benefit 81 PALs and villagers from 43 households to solve the problem in shortage of water for daily household use and irrigation. re to edit. |
May 2020