I am now 82 years old; it is a miracle that I am still alive today. I was born in Chuni Township of Luding County. My father passed away when I was still in the womb of my mother, and my tragic life began since then. My mother re-married and later I became the elder sister of two brothers and 1 sister. One of my brothers married and went to live with his wife’s family, the other brother left home without a word. My poor little sister, she was born mute.

While my mother was alive, she came to visit me twice a year; she cried profusely every time she visited me. Over the years the society and livelihood had been improving. I received both financial and physical support from the Government. I wrote to my mother inviting her to visit me. She always replied by saying: “You silly girl, you don’t really want to see me; you only want to share with me the meat that was given to you by the Government.” Sadly, happy life like that did not last long, my mother passed away. My heart was broken into pieces. I could not do anything but cry. My mother had gone through the worst days with me and now she could not enjoy the fruit with me. How could I enjoy it by myself, alone? That was the biggest regret in my life; I lost the only person who ever loved me……
In 2008, Rotary Clubs and The Leprosy Project visited our village. They provided me medicine and treatment for my ulcers. Before they came I was taking 5-6 pain killers 5-6 times a day. I still could not bear the pain. Since I was taken care of by the healthcare worker Ms. Wang Li who was trained by The Leprosy Project, my ulcers are much improved. I do not have to take so many pain killers, and of course I have been much happier. I no longer worry about my living as I have been taken good care of by the Project and the Government; I have no worries on any economic issue. I have my own money to spend on food. I have never been happier.
Words from the recorder:
Ms. Li has been living a very harsh life since she was diagnosed with leprosy at the age of 2. She lost both her hands and feet forcing her to walk on her knees. Despite her circumstances, all I see is her smiling face every time I visit this village. She not only takes good care of herself, but she also farms on her land even she is now 82 years old. Her fortitude, optimism and attitude towards life have inspired every one of the Project office.